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The Great Migration in the Serengeti Tanzania

September 3, 2024

The Great Migration in the Serengeti is one of nature’s most incredible events. Every year, millions of wildebeest, zebras, and other animals move across the Serengeti in Tanzania. Searching for fresh grass and water. This journey is not only amazing to watch but also a great way to see wildlife in action.

When is the Great Migration in Tanzania?

The Great Migration is happening all year long, but it moves through different areas at different times. The best time to see the migration in Tanzania is from July to October. During these months, the herds gather to cross the Mara River, which is one of the most exciting parts of the journey. Watching these animals cross the river, while dodging crocodiles, is an unforgettable experience.

The Different Stages of the Migration

December to March:

The migration begins in the southern Serengeti, particularly in the Ndutu region and the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Here, the wildebeest give birth to thousands of calves. This is known as the calving season, and is a great time to see newborns.

With the arrival of new life, predators such as lions, cheetahs, and hyenas are never far behind. Making this a fascinating time for a Serengeti safari focused on predator-prey interactions.

April to June:

During the rainy season, herds move north through the central Serengeti and Western Corridor as the short rains end. During this period, the herds form long columns as they move towards the Grumeti River.

The crossing of the Grumeti River is less famous than the Mara River crossing. But it is equally dramatic, with the river’s resident crocodiles lying in wait. This time of year is perfect for those who want to see the Great Migration without the larger crowds.

July to October:

This is the peak season for the Great Migration, as the herds reach the northern Serengeti and prepare to cross into Kenya’s Maasai Mara.

The crossing of the Mara River is the highlight of the migration, drawing visitors from around the world. Watching thousands of wildebeest and zebras brave the swift currents and lurking predators is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. People often set up mobile camps in this region to allow travellers to stay close to the action.


As the short rains begin, the herds start their journey back south to the Serengeti, completing the cycle. This time of year is less crowded, making it an ideal time to visit if you prefer a quieter safari experience.

The Serengeti migration mainly happens in Tanzania, where the herds spend most of their time in national parks. The river crossings, vast animal gatherings, and predator activity make Tanzania the prime destination for witnessing the Great Migration.

Tips for Watching the Serengeti Migration

Book Early:

Since the Great Migration is so popular, it’s best to plan and book your trip months in advance.

Choose the Right Time:

Depending on what you want to see, like the river crossings or the calving season. Make sure you visit at the right time of year.

Explore Different National Parks:

Although the Serengeti is important for the Great Migration. You should also think about visiting nearby parks. These include the Ngorongoro Conservation Area and Tarangire National Park. These parks offer unique landscapes, diverse wildlife, and fewer crowds, enhancing your overall Tanzania travel experience.

Stay Connected:

While you’re exploring the Serengeti, staying connected is important. Our eSIMs make it easy to stay online anywhere in Tanzania. So you can share your experiences, check maps, and keep in touch with loved ones. Get your Tanzania eSIM here.

Is Tanzania Safe for Travellers?

Yes, Tanzania is a safe country for tourists, especially in well-known areas like the Serengeti. When traveling, be aware of your surroundings, respect local customs, and listen to your guides for the safest experience.

Stay Connected with KnowRoaming eSIMs in Tanzania

Traveling in a foreign country like Tanzania can be both exciting and challenging, especially when it comes to communication. With KnowRoaming eSIMs, staying connected becomes effortless and convenient.

Our eSIMs can help you with navigating, translating, staying connected, and handling emergencies in the Serengeti and beyond. The easy setup and affordable data plans ensure that you can focus on enjoying every moment of your Great Migration experience without worrying about finding reliable internet access.

Get your Tanzania eSIM here.

Ready for Your Serengeti Adventure?

The Great Migration in the Serengeti is a must-see for anyone who loves nature and wildlife. With some planning and the right timing, you can experience this amazing event in all its glory. And with a KnowRoaming eSIM, you’ll have the connectivity you need to make your trip smooth and memorable. So, get ready for an adventure of a lifetime in Tanzania!