North America data eSIM

North America

North America



US $15.65


3 GB


10 Days

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I have read and accepted the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy. I also acknowledge that in order for the eSIM to work, my device needs to be eSIM compatible and not locked to any specific network.


eSIM Features

Step Easy to Top-Up

Easy to Top-Up

Step Mobile Hotspot

Mobile Hotspot

Step No Speed Throttling

No Speed Throttling

Step Data eSIM

Data eSIM


This data package works on UNLOCKED eSIM Compatible Devices.
This package provides 3 GB of DATA valid for 10 Days from time of activation.

Product Duration:

Packages will last for the full validity period. Any unused data will expire after the validity period ends. This package must be activated within 60 days of purchase. Activation occurs when the eSIM is turned on within a supported country. Please review the list of supported countries under 'Coverage'.

Customer Reviews: